March 2025
Good Stuff
There’s so much good stuff happening at WFPC!
Please continue to let us know of any “News” you have to share.
News from your Session:
If you need to contact Rev. Brian Copeland:, 850-524-4884.
Office hours Thursdays 1 pm – 5 pm. Be sure to stop in and visit while he is in the office.
Note from your pastor:
Psalm 51:1 (NRSVUE)
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions.
Lent is here again! A special time of reflection and repentance in preparation for Easter. Psalm 51 is a prayerful plea for God’s mercy. The transgressions are solely focused on the author. There is no fault to God or others. There is only a visceral need for God’s mercy. That is at the heart of Lent. Complete and utter reliance upon God’s mercy!
We need God’s mercy as we prepare for Easter morning. When we repent, we need assurance of forgiveness known only through God’s mercy through Christ. Without the assurance of God’s mercy we risk dragging ourselves down with no way out. We do not wonder through Lent as if we have no idea what is going to happen Easter morning. We know and are provided assurance of forgiveness known only in Christ. We are made whole again. So as you begin your Lenten journey, do so resting in the knowledge of God’s mercy. Pray Psalm 51, repent, fast (give up something that interferes with your relationship with God), and rest in God’s mercy.
You may view our worship service on the church Facebook page. (Weedsport First Presbyterian Church)
**If you “like” the worship service, it will be shared via Facebook to others!!
Christian Education:
Rev. Copeland’s discussion group on Thursday nights, 6-7 pm, will be looking back at the week’s devotions from “The Sanctuary for Lent 2025.” These booklets are available in the Narthex.
2025 Summer Camp Registration
2025 Summer Camp Registration Is Open! Get ready for an unforgettable summer at Camp Gregory! Register now to secure your spot and take advantage of our early bird pricing. (Kindergarten through 10th grade.)
Don’t miss out—spaces are limited!
Sunday, March 30th we are welcoming our friends from Marcellus First Presbyterian Church to our worship service. We would appreciate extra baked goods for this event.
The church will be open on Holy Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for quiet meditation. More details will be sent in a separate email.
The next blood drive will be held Thursday, May 1st, 1-6 pm at the Methodist Church, hosted by WFPC. If you have time to volunteer, please see Cyndy Rooker. You can also make an appointment to donate blood at
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING. We will be participating again this year from March 5 – April 20th. You may take home a fish bank and the suggested calendar of donations or simply add your pocket change to the bank each day. Please return the banks on Easter Sunday. There will also be envelopes for those who prefer them. Thank you!
OGHS- Typically received during the season of Lent, each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. All three programs work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From the initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.
Loose Change Offerings: Loose Change from the first quarter of 2025 (Jan., Feb., and March) will be split ½ to One Great Hour of Sharing and ½ to Meals on Wheels. (Book Fair will be quarter 2.)
From the 200th Anniversary Committee: “We Love Our Church”
The committee will be sharing historic tidbits on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. The committee will also be sharing fun facts in our newsletter for you to enjoy. If anyone has a fun fact to share, please feel free to contact Deb Dennis ( and include your phone number. Thank you.
Fun fact:
Between 1926 and 1928 a new kitchen was built in the southeast parlor of the church replacing the old one in the front. It was much larger and more convenient than the other. A large rectangular island was built in the center of the kitchen which pots and pans were stored underneath. The island is still in the kitchen. Anna Klumpp was in charge of the project.
Sennett Federated Church is holding a pulled pork dinner on Saturday, April 5, 4:30-6:30 pm. Take out only. Pre-orders by March 25, email: Pre-payment mailed to the church or pay at the door. (Flyer attached.)
REMINDER: We have several fire doors within the church. For safety reasons, please be sure they are shut whenever possible.
Upcoming Dates:
Feb. 18 – Doug’s to Go to benefit United Way
Feb. 24 – WFPC’s night to volunteer at the food pantry, 6 pm
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
March 9 – Ash Sunday
March 18 – Village elections
March 30 – Joint worship at WFPC with Marcellus First Presbyterian Church
April 5 – Sennett Federated Pulled Pork dinner (flyer attached)
April 13 – Palm Sunday
April 18 – Good Friday
April 19 – Holy Saturday – Quiet Meditation (church open 11-1pm)
April 20 – Easter Sunday (One Great Hour of Sharing banks returned.)
Ed Llewellyn, Barbara Gray’s brother, had surgery in February and is doing well.
Eileen Derevenko is doing well now. (After her cancer diagnosis.)
Jim Viccaro, Vicki’s husband, is now doing well after surgery on his vertebrae.
Barbara Gray’s granddaughter, Emily, married Aaron Staving on January 17, 2025. Many of you remember Emily’s mother, Bronwyn, who was very active in our church. Included is a picture of a wall of mugs. The couple spent months finding mugs unique to the personality of each guest to use as favor. Barbara’s was lady bugs! What a great conversation starter!
To The Praise Band/Choir for the beautiful music they provide on Sundays. We especially enjoy the addition of the flute (Joanne Slauson), guitar (Dan Thomas), and percussion (James Marshall). Of course, we always enjoy the weekly organ and piano (Laura Granger and Marian Smith).
To all who volunteer at the Clothes Closet and to those who donate clothes.
Thank you to Dan Thomas for continuing to share the worship link weekly so those that are not able to attend may enjoy listening to the service, to Joanne Slauson for keeping the website up-to-date, and Rev. Copeland for recording and posting the church service on Facebook.
Operation Christmas Child: Samaritan’s Purse collected a record number of shoeboxes last year. The U.S. packed 10,574,805 of the 11,927,439 collected internationally.
Please pray for…
Evelyn Sweet, Dale’s mother, continues to need prayers for her health.
Rev. Brian’s brother, Larry. He had the rest of his left kidney removed. He will still need lots of recovery and recuperation.
Jean Saroodis is dealing with nerve pain.
Jeanne VanDusen, Anne McLoud’s sister, as she continues to battle health issues.
Wayne and Dillon Hunter, father and son, both battling cancers. They are Jeanne VanDusen’s son and grandson, Anne McLoud’s nephew and great nephew. Wayne continues chemo medicine and has had positive visits with the doctor. Dillon has regular appointments to be sure he is still clear.
Denny Ware is slowly improving but has a long road ahead.
Elaine Ozolins as she continues to treat her cancer.
Mat Grudzien. Send positive thoughts for healing.
Max Appleby needs prayers for health and positive thinking.
Penney Cosentino, a friend of Connie Horr, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Penny has attended the Tuesday Craft Group.
(This information will have been in previous newsletters, but it is worth reprinting.)
If you are interested in being a greeter, please let the deacons know. (Anyone can be a greeter.) There is a calendar in the Narthex for you to sign up.
If you would like to offer to make refreshments for a Sunday, please check the calendar in the Narthex and let the Deacon for that Sunday know. It is a great way to help out our deacons.
The “Weedsport Presbyterian Church” Facebook page has been updated. Feel free to follow. There is a link to the webpage in the Welcome for an easy way to link back and forth. Feel free to contact Joanne Slauson ( for any changes and additions on the Facebook page.
Now that the church service starts at 11:15 a.m., Adult Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. This may make it easier for you to join us in the upstairs Koinonia Room Sunday mornings before church to get some very interesting background of the day’s scripture. Dan Thomas has a wealth of knowledge to share!
Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund reminder: Do you know someone that might need our help?
We would like to offer this reminder. The Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund is available to assist with emergency medical, utility, and other needs that may arise. Please contact Cyndy Rooker if you have any questions or know of someone who could use assistance. (Must be a resident of WCSD, Weedsport, Cato.)
Please be sure to turn off the lights and lock the doors to the church whenever you leave the building.
March 13 – Charles Grudzien April 4 – Adam Sweet April 21 – Melody Jane Robles
March 23 – Bill Saroodis April 7 – Jesse Dennis April 23 – Mindy Marshall
March 27 – Chere Ware April 16 – Alison Grudzien April 26 – Terry Sears
March 27 – Chele Conley April 21 – Sharon Marshall
March 29 – David Seitz April 21 – Linda Willis
*If you would like to have someone added to the birthday list, please let us know, thanks.
What’s Going on at Church?
9:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School with Dan Thomas
11:15 a.m. In-person worship
1-3 p.m. Square Dancers in dining room
10-noon All Things Creative meets in the former first floor office.
10-1 p.m. Free Clothes Closet open
7-9 p.m. Square Dancers in dining room
9 a.m. Join Rev. Brian at Finally Ours Restaurant for coffee hour.
1-5 p.m. Rev. Copeland’s office hours
3-5:30 p.m. Free Clothes Closet open
12-4:30 Dog training classes
6 - 7 p.m. Bible Study (Rev. Copeland)
1 p.m.-6 p.m. Red Cross Blood Drive at UMC, First Thursday of every odd month (Jan., March, May…)
Jesus would probaly laugh:
One of the best sermons we ever heard about Lent came from a priest who took a whole new approach to the idea of giving up things for Lent.
“Jesus would probably laugh at us for giving up things like chocolate, beer, coffee…all the things that actually bring us joy and make us happy. What He might suggest is giving up the things that make us miserable in God’s Paradise. Things like self-doubt, insecurities, jealousy, greed, and gossip and anger. The things that move us away from The Light. Honor His sacrifice by giving up the Darkness in your life.”
Think about it.
Thank you, Connie Horr, for being the best proofreader! She makes sure our newsletters are easier to read and understand!