




First Presbyterian Church of Weedsport

December 8, 2024

Second Sunday of Advent

Rev. Brian Copeland



WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                                      Liturgist


CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)                                                                                                        Liturgist

In a world that is lonely,

we will save a seat for you.

In a world that is anxious,

we will light candles against the gloom.

In a world that is weary,

we will sing songs of joy and truth.

I am not alone.

We are not alone.

For here in this place, God is weaving us together.

Light the candles! Sing with joy!

We are a three-cord strand, not easily broken.


HYMN #5 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence


Candle Lighting Liturgy (Responsive)

One: In a weary and worn world, how do we begin again?

Where do we start?

All: Let us begin together.

Let us begin arm in arm.

Let us begin by holding each other up, instead of tearing each other down. Let us begin with words of peace.

One: Yes, let us begin with peace. Today we light the candles of hope and peace.

All: May these lights remind us of what could be.

May these lights mark a new beginning. May peace flow like a river, and may it start with us.

One: Arm in arm, hand in hand, side by side. May we begin again. Amen.






CALL TO CONFESSION                                                                                                                                    Liturgist

Family of faith, one of the beautiful things about the prayer of confession is it is often a prayer

we say together.

There are times when we close our eyes, bow our heads, and exchange private words with our Creator.

But there are other times when praying out loud as a community allows us to right our relationship with God and with one another as well.

This is one of those moments.

So as a community, please join me in our call and response prayer of confession. Join me in speaking the truth of our lives.

Join me in practicing grace.


PRAYER OF CONFESSION & WORDS OF FORGIVENESS (Responsive)              Liturgist

I have tried to make my own way.

I have tried to lace my own shoes, to build my own house, to kindle my own faith. I have said a thousand times, “turn back,” as if I am fine on my own.

But the days are long, and I am forgetful.

I need your help. Can you remind me?

We will remind you of this everlasting truth: You are not alone.

Where you go, God goes.

You are held in grace.

Trust in this good news.

Thanks be to God! I remember. I believe.

Now we need your help.

We, too, have tried to make our own way.

We have tried to lace our own shoes, to build our own houses, to kindle our own faiths. We have said a thousand times, “turn back,” as if we are fine on our own.

But the days are long, and we are forgetful.

We need your help. Can you remind us?

I will remind you of this everlasting truth: You are not alone.

Where you go, God goes.

You are held in grace.

Trust in this good news.

Thanks be to God! We remember. We believe. Alleluia! Amen.





CHILDREN’S TIME (Children may leave to go to Sunday School after Children’s Time.)

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (Unison)                                                                                                      Liturgist

Holy God,

The words of this world whip around us like a mighty wind. We are caught up in news reports,

in text messages,

in emails and notifications.

We are drowning in updates from the media,

caught off guard by the constant hum of it all.

But here on this bright morning we remember: you too are speaking.

Still the voices around us.

Calm our minds and center our hearts

so that we can hear your words above the wind.

We are leaning closer.

We are at the edge of our chairs. We are beginning again.

Speak to us, as only you can. Amen.


First Scripture Reading:  Malachi 3:1-4                                                                                        Liturgist


SECOND SCRIPTURE READING:  Luke 3:1-6                                                  Rev. Brian Copeland

               The word of the Lord.

               Thanks be to God.


SERMON “The Refiner”                                                                                                      Rev. Brian Copeland

HYMN #20 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night


We believe in a with-us God:

a God who walks with us in the valley, dances with us on the mountaintop, sings with us through the night

and rejoices in the morning.

We believe that this with-us God

wired us for relationship,

saying to creation on the very first week, “Humans should not be alone.” 






Therefore, in an effort to be who God called us to be, we strive to live like the Trinity—

connected, united, and centered.

We believe in the power of community.

We commit to learning each other’s names.

We choose to journey with each other,

like Ruth with Naomi.

And we remember that no one can go through life alone. Thanks be to God, for lighting our way.




INVITATION TO THE OFFERING (Offering plates are on the front and back tables.  Offering plates are not passed.)


HYMN #38 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear





Dec. 9 – Food pantry

Dec. 14 – Winterfest, Jr./Sr. High School

Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve service, 7 p.m.




First Presbyterian Church of Weedsport

December 8, 2024

Second Sunday of Advent

Rev. Brian Copeland



WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                                      Liturgist


CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)                                                                                                        Liturgist

In a world that is lonely,

we will save a seat for you.

In a world that is anxious,

we will light candles against the gloom.

In a world that is weary,

we will sing songs of joy and truth.

I am not alone.

We are not alone.

For here in this place, God is weaving us together.

Light the candles! Sing with joy!

We are a three-cord strand, not easily broken.


HYMN #5 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence


Candle Lighting Liturgy (Responsive)

One: In a weary and worn world, how do we begin again?

Where do we start?

All: Let us begin together.

Let us begin arm in arm.

Let us begin by holding each other up, instead of tearing each other down. Let us begin with words of peace.

One: Yes, let us begin with peace. Today we light the candles of hope and peace.

All: May these lights remind us of what could be.

May these lights mark a new beginning. May peace flow like a river, and may it start with us.

One: Arm in arm, hand in hand, side by side. May we begin again. Amen.






CALL TO CONFESSION                                                                                                                                    Liturgist

Family of faith, one of the beautiful things about the prayer of confession is it is often a prayer

we say together.

There are times when we close our eyes, bow our heads, and exchange private words with our Creator.

But there are other times when praying out loud as a community allows us to right our relationship with God and with one another as well.

This is one of those moments.

So as a community, please join me in our call and response prayer of confession. Join me in speaking the truth of our lives.

Join me in practicing grace.


PRAYER OF CONFESSION & WORDS OF FORGIVENESS (Responsive)              Liturgist

I have tried to make my own way.

I have tried to lace my own shoes, to build my own house, to kindle my own faith. I have said a thousand times, “turn back,” as if I am fine on my own.

But the days are long, and I am forgetful.

I need your help. Can you remind me?

We will remind you of this everlasting truth: You are not alone.

Where you go, God goes.

You are held in grace.

Trust in this good news.

Thanks be to God! I remember. I believe.

Now we need your help.

We, too, have tried to make our own way.

We have tried to lace our own shoes, to build our own houses, to kindle our own faiths. We have said a thousand times, “turn back,” as if we are fine on our own.

But the days are long, and we are forgetful.

We need your help. Can you remind us?

I will remind you of this everlasting truth: You are not alone.

Where you go, God goes.

You are held in grace.

Trust in this good news.

Thanks be to God! We remember. We believe. Alleluia! Amen.





CHILDREN’S TIME (Children may leave to go to Sunday School after Children’s Time.)

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (Unison)                                                                                                      Liturgist

Holy God,

The words of this world whip around us like a mighty wind. We are caught up in news reports,

in text messages,

in emails and notifications.

We are drowning in updates from the media,

caught off guard by the constant hum of it all.

But here on this bright morning we remember: you too are speaking.

Still the voices around us.

Calm our minds and center our hearts

so that we can hear your words above the wind.

We are leaning closer.

We are at the edge of our chairs. We are beginning again.

Speak to us, as only you can. Amen.


First Scripture Reading:  Malachi 3:1-4                                                                                        Liturgist


SECOND SCRIPTURE READING:  Luke 3:1-6                                                  Rev. Brian Copeland

               The word of the Lord.

               Thanks be to God.


SERMON “The Refiner”                                                                                                      Rev. Brian Copeland

HYMN #20 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night


We believe in a with-us God:

a God who walks with us in the valley, dances with us on the mountaintop, sings with us through the night

and rejoices in the morning.

We believe that this with-us God

wired us for relationship,

saying to creation on the very first week, “Humans should not be alone.” 






Therefore, in an effort to be who God called us to be, we strive to live like the Trinity—

connected, united, and centered.

We believe in the power of community.

We commit to learning each other’s names.

We choose to journey with each other,

like Ruth with Naomi.

And we remember that no one can go through life alone. Thanks be to God, for lighting our way.




INVITATION TO THE OFFERING (Offering plates are on the front and back tables.  Offering plates are not passed.)


HYMN #38 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear





Dec. 9 – Food pantry

Dec. 14 – Winterfest, Jr./Sr. High School

Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve service, 7 p.m.