April 2024 Good Stuff
There’s so much good stuff happening at WFPC!
Please continue to let us know of any “News” you have to share.
News from your Session:
If you need to contact Rev. Brian Copeland: rev.briancopeland@gmail.com, 850-524-4884.
Office hours Thursdays 1 pm – 5 pm.
Loose change from the first quarter was donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace. $220 was donated to the Auburn chapter.
2024 Per Capita:
Each church in the Presbyterian Church (USA) is apportioned a per capita that is used to help fund the missions of the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly. Per capita also funds functions that are best accomplished collectively, such as counseling individual churches, world-wide missions, and publishing instructional materials. Per capita for 2024 is $40. This means WFPC is responsible to pay this for each active member. Please help in defraying this expense by individually paying this apportioned per capita if you are able. Thank you.
Joanne Slauson has developed our new church website. We are very thankful to have her talents and skills being used for this project. If you haven’t checked out the new site, visit: weedsportpresbyterian.com.
200-year Celebration!! In 2025 Weedsport First Presbyterian Church will be celebrating our 200th year! Planning is in the works!
Christian Education:
We have begun planning for VBS 2024. It will be held at our church. It will be extremely important for us to have as many volunteers as possible to make this a successful and safe program. If you can help, even for one day, it will be very helpful. Dates: July 15th - 19th. Please let Cyndy Rooker know if you think you may be able to help.
This year adults took the fish banks home for Lent. We suggested loose change be added daily. Banks were returned Easter Sunday. $91 was raised, that change really adds up! Thank you to all who participated.
Pentecost, Sunday, May 19 – There will be flyers and Pentecost offering envelopes handed out in church.
“Pentecost is such a special time in the life of our faith. We generally refer to it as the birthday of the church. Wearing red on that Sunday symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost celebrates the renewal of the relationship between God and the community of faith. Our gifts to the Pentecost Offering helps build a foundation of faith in our youth which will last a lifetime.” 40% of the offering stays with our congregation, 25% supports YAV (Young Adult Volunteers), 25% supports Ministries with Youth, and 10% is devoted to children at youth. (Flyer attached.)
The church continues to accept donations of clothes for the FREE Clothes Closet. It is set up in the former preschool room and has expanded to the Koinonia Room. Since we have expanded there is a great need for volunteers. If you have clothes to donate you can drop them off at church on Sunday or during open hours. The closet is open Tuesdays, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Thursdays, 4 – 6:30 pm.
Hangers, especially pants/skirt hangers are needed. (Prefer no wire hangers, thank you!)
If you can volunteer to man the closet during its hours, there is a calendar in the Narthex for sign-ups.
***Since the expansion we are in need of garment racks. If you have any you are able to donate, they would be put to good use***.
**Looking for a window air conditioner. Do you have one you no longer need?
Red Cross Blood Drive:
The next blood drive will be Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. Be sure to sign up online at redcrossblood.org! If you can volunteer let Cyndy Rooker know.
National Day of Prayer will be celebrated with an ecumenical service at Marcellus First Presbyterian Church at noon on May 2nd in their fellowship hall.
Nominating Committee:
The nominating committee is working on replacing Jean Saroodis after her retirement as our treasurer. Please prayerfully consider if this is an area where you could be of assistance to your church. Sandi Kreplin is willing to be the treasurer if someone else is willing to take over as Clerk of Session.
Deacon Report:
If you are interested in being a greeter, please let the deacons know. (Anyone can be a greeter.) There is a calendar in the Narthex for you to sign up.
If you would like to offer to make refreshments for a Sunday, please check the calendar in the Narthex and let the Deacon for that Sunday know. It is a great way to help out our deacons.
Jo-Ann Griffith is improving. She continues with therapy at home.
Fast & Fusion: New food truck in Weedsport is now located in our back parking lot on Thursdays, weather permitting. If you are interested in Lebanese or Mexican cuisines give them a try. (Menu attached.)
We are very happy to have Deb and Kike Dennis back in New York after their winter in FL!!
Nicole Hyde, Pearl Becker’s neighbor, is doing well after having surgery March 11th for her cancer.
Bev Clark was recognized for 75 years of active membership in the Eastern Stars. Her family attended and said it was a wonderful ceremony. Bev was honored with flowers and a certificate to commemorate this achievement. The ceremony was an official state visit to the Cayuga Tompkins District of the Order of the Eastern Stars.
Young Life presents a comedy show. May 17th, 7 pm at Grace Chapel, Skaneateles, NY. All proceeds benefit Young Life. Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. (Flyer attached)
If you have missed a Sunday Sermon, you can listen to the service thanks to Dan Thomas. The recorded services are available on YouTube.com.
Simply search, for example: “Weedsport Presbyterian Worship, April 14, 2024.”
Now that the church service starts at 11:15 a.m., Adult Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. This may make it easier for you to join us in the upstairs Koinonia Room Sunday mornings before church to get some very interesting background of the day’s scripture. Dan Thomas has a wealth of knowledge to share!
Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund reminder:
Do you know someone that might need our help?
We would like to offer this reminder. The Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund is available to assist with emergency medical, utility, and other needs that may arise. Please contact Cyndy Rooker if you have any questions or know of someone who could use assistance. (Must be a resident of WCSD, Weedsport, Cato.)
To The Praise Band/Choir for the beautiful music they provide on Sundays. The joint choirs of WFPC and MFPC which sang Sunday, April 7th, was exceptional!
To all who helped set-up, clean-up, and prepared food for the brunch following the worship service celebrated with our friends from MFPC on April 7th.
To Joanne Slauson for getting our new website up and running!
Thank you to all who donated flowers for Easter Sunday.
To all who volunteer at the Clothes Closet.
Thank you to Dan Thomas for continuing to share the worship link weekly so those that are not able to attend may enjoy listening to the service.
Please pray for…
Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and the innocent people caught up in the crossfire. Pray for peace.
Nancy Sweet as she prepares for surgery for a tumor on her lung. Surgery will be May 2nd. Praying for Nancy, her family, and the medical staff.
Joe Marshall is in Auburn Community Hospital. He went into the hospital Wednesday due to an infection. Pray for healing and strength. The family suggests making a phone call when Joe is home, hopefully in a week rather than sending a card. He truly enjoys those conversations. Thank you.
The family of Barbara Ward who passed March 23, at age 94. Barb is the sister-in-law of Burt and Carol Ward. Obituary from The Citizen attached.
Denny Ware, Chere’s husband, has done well following his spine surgery. He is improving every day.
Lisa McClure, Bev Clark’s neighbor, who was hospitalized with double pneumonia. She has recovered and is home from the hospital, but is now dealing with heart disease.
Rev. Brian Copeland’s brother, Larry, who is undergoing treatment for kidney cancer.
Elaine Ozolins as she continues to treat her cancer. Pray for Elaine, her family, and her doctors.
Eileen Derevenko as her cancer has returned. Pray for her strength and for the medical staff assisting her.
Mat Grudzien. Send positive thoughts for healing.
Ranny Peacock, a friend of Laura Granger, who is battling health concerns.
Upcoming Dates:
April 22nd – WFPC night to volunteer at the food pantry
May 2nd - Blood Drive hosted by WFPC, at UMC 1-6 pm
May 3rd – Doug’s to Go to benefit WFPC
May 12 – Mother’s Day
May 27th – Memorial Day
June 1st – Village garage sale
June 18th – Doug’s to Go to benefit WFD Auxiliary
June 20th – Picnic in the Park with MFPC, dinner 6 pm, also celebrate Pastor Brian’s birthday
June 30th – Tom O’Neil will give a tour of the Sleep in Heavenly Peace warehouse
July 5th – FRIDAY, Blood drive (day of week changed due to 4th of July being Thursday)
July 15th-19th – VBS at our church, 9 am-noon
Please be sure to turn off the lights and lock the doors to the church whenever you leave the building.
What’s Going on at Church?
9:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School with Dan Thomas
11:15 a.m. In-person worship
1-3 p.m. Square Dancers in dining room
10-noon All Things Creative meets in the former first floor office.
10-1 p.m. Free Clothes Closet open
7-9 p.m. Square Dancers in dining room
9 a.m. Join Rev. Brian at Finally Ours Restaurant for coffee hour.
1-5 p.m. Rev. Copeland’s office hours
4-6:30 p.m. Free Clothes Closet open
6:30-7:30 p.m. Bible Study (Rev. Copeland)
1 p.m.-6 p.m. Red Cross Blood Drive at UMC, First Thursday of every odd month (Jan., March, May…)
April 16 – Alison Grudzien May 1 – Dan Bates May 18 – Ryan Fatcheric
April 21 – Sharon Marshall May 3 – Chelsea Leonard May 27 – Rick Horr
April 21 – Linda Willis May 4 – Gracie Fatcheric
April 21 – Melody Jane Robles May 6 – Carol Ward
April 23 – Mindy Marshall May 8 – Bev Clark
April 26 – Terry Sears May 10 – Sophia Gwinn
*If you would like to have someone added to the birthday list, please let us know, thanks.
Thank you, Connie Horr, for being the best proofreader! She makes sure our newsletters are easier to read and understand!