The 189 year old Weedsport First Presbyterian Church began in 1805 as part of the First Congregational Society of Brutus (Presbyterian) of Sennett, NY. In 1825, the year the Erie Canal was completed, the northern group broke away and along with other Presbyterians from Eastern New York, formed the Weedsport Presbyterian Church. There were 51 charter members. The church was built by the hands of members of the congregation from timbers hewed from local trees on land given by the Hamiltons, a family that was prominent in this church society for over 150 years. The final cost was $3000. In time, a stove and a fine pipe organ was installed. In 1855, a fire totally consumed the Presbyterian church. The membership at the time was 129. This time an architect and a builder was hired. The present brick church was built the same year, only down the hill from the old one. The cost was $10,000. On the day of the building dedication there was a big snowstorm. It took another $9,000. to repair the damage. Despite this set back and another devastating fire in 1947, the church continued to flourish. A rear addition for Sunday School was added to the church in 1955.