

January 12, 2025

Rev. Brian Copeland


WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                                      Liturgist


OPENING SENTENCES (Responsive)                                                                                         Liturgist

Holy Triune God, author of community,
come baptize us.
Remind us what it means
to belong to one another.

God who tears the heavens, come baptize us.
Reveal to us your power
that ushers in new realms.

God who calls us beloved, come baptize us.
Declare to us your great delight
and hold us in your pleasure.

God of vulnerability, come baptize us.
Welcome us into the paradox
of strength that comes from weakness.

Together, let us remember this day.
In the Creator’s love we are held,
into Christ’s body we are baptized,
and by the Spirit’s power, we are claimed.
All glory to God. Amen.

HYMN #323 Loving Spirit

CONFESSION AND PARDON (Responsive)                                                                          Liturgist
Ever ready with cleansing love,
God invites our confession,
offering mercy and strength
so that we may start anew.

In the waters of baptism, O God,
you have cleansed us and claimed us.
Forgive us for refusing your grace
and rejecting your name.
We have followed our own paths,
and they have led us far from you.
Help us to live into our baptisms,
to trust that all we need is in you,
for you have marked us as your own,
loving us without limit.
Wash us with your love again,
that with clean hearts
we may go in the way of Jesus.


The love of God flows ceaselessly.
The mercy of God never ends.
This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!


CHILDREN’S TIME (Children may leave to go to Sunday School after Children’s Time.)

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION                                                                                                                     Liturgist
Saving God, source of our calling,
your Word is full of power and glory.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
so that we may receive your grace
and live as your beloved children;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

FIRST SCRIPTURE READING:  Psalm 29                                                                                                 Liturgist

1Ascribe to the LORD, O heavenly beings,

ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

2Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his name;

worship the LORD in holy splendor.


3The voice of the LORD is over the waters;

the God of glory thunders,

the LORD, over mighty waters.

4The voice of the LORD is powerful;

the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.


5The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;

the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon.

6He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,

and Sirion like a young wild ox.


7The voice of the LORD flashes forth flames of fire.

8The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;

the LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.


9The voice of the LORD causes the oaks to whirl,

and strips the forest bare; and in his temple all say, "Glory!"


10The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;

the LORD sits enthroned as king for ever.

11May the LORD give strength to his people!

May the LORD bless his people with peace!


SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22                                          Rev. Brian Copeland

15As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah, 16John answered all of them by saying, "I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire."

21Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, 22and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."

               The word of the Lord.

               Thanks be to God.


SERMON                                                                                                                              Rev. Brian Copeland

HYMN #492 Baptized in Water

Affirmation of Faith (Unison)

God’s sovereign love is a mystery
beyond the reach of the human mind.
Human thought ascribes to God
superlatives of power, wisdom, and goodness.
But God reveals divine love in Jesus Christ
by showing power in the form of a servant,
wisdom in the folly of the cross,
and goodness in receiving
sinful men and women.
The power of God’s love in Christ
to transform the world
discloses that the Redeemer
is the Lord and Creator
who made all things
to serve the purpose of God’s love.

Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.15



Joining our hearts and minds in prayer, 

let us call on the name of the Lord,

saying: O God of grace, bless us with peace.

INVITATION TO THE OFFERING (Offering plates are on the front and back tables.  Offering plates are not passed.)



We praise and thank you, Lord God,

for the majesty of your work,
the wisdom of your word,
and the generosity of your grace.
Let the gifts of our lives bear witness
to your goodness and mercy,
your faithfulness and justice,
and your steadfast love for all. Amen.

HYMN #361 How Firm a Foundation





Jan. 12- Session and committee meetings following worship

Jan. 26 – Congregational meeting and Installation of Offering