January 2025          

Good Stuff

There’s so much good stuff happening at WFPC!

Please continue to let us know of any “News” you have to share.

A hot air balloon in the sky

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News from your Session:

If you need to contact Rev. Brian Copeland: rev.briancopeland@gmail.com, 850-524-4884.

Office hours Thursdays 1 pm – 5 pm. Be sure to stop in and visit while he is in the office. 

Note from Rev. Copeland:

Themes of Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love filled our Advent Season as we prepared for Christmas. What if we were to continue with these themes into the New Year!? Peace; as an exercise in daily prayer find a way to incorporate peace. Peace for God’s creation, nations, communities, and yes even peace for yourself. Do not leave yourself out of the prayers, ask God for help with peace around and within yourself. There you will also find Hope. Prayer is in many ways a practice of Hope. Meaning we have Hope therefore we pray. Each new day brings with it Hope and dare I say Joy! Joy for another day to live in God’s splendid creation! Another opportunity to help make God’s kin-dom part of this world. To share the Love of God which is at the heart of this and every season in the church. So, I pray that you might continue these Advent themes into the New Year as we all seek new and creative ways to share God’s love. 


You may view our worship service on the church Facebook page. (Weedsport First Presbyterian Church)


Building and Grounds:

You may notice a number of cars in the parking lot on Saturdays.  A dog trainer will be using the basement from 2-4 pm for high level scent training.  Only one dog at a time will be in the building.  These are highly specialized dogs and training is very important.  We are excited to be able to provide a space for them.  They will be paying a fee. 


Christian Education:

Rev. Copeland will resume discussions on the book Christian Doctrine by Shirley Guthrie.  We meet Thursday nights 6-7 p.m. in the Sunday School room. 




Poinsettia memorial dedications:

In celebration of Christmas by Lori and Mike Anna

In memory of beloved parents by Jim and Marcia Baker

In celebration of Jesus’ birth and hope, peace, and joy by Deb Dennis

In memory of Jacobus Fey by Linda Fey

In loving memory of my husband Mike by Donna Glowacki

In loving memory of Aunt Phoebe Bibbens by Donna Glowacki

In loving memory of my brother Eddy Goodwin by Donna Glowacki

In memory of Bob Hook, Charlie Kreplin, and Cliff Hickok by Amy, Jeff, Jacob, and Noah Hickok

In celebration of the true gift of Christmas, Jesus Christ, by the Rooker family

In memory of Eric Willis, Harold, Eleanor, and Roger Sturgis by Roger and Linda Willis






Save the Date!  Sunday, February 9th we will once again be participating in the nationwide SOUPer Bowl of Caring mission.  Although it is nationwide, all money and soup/food donations will go to our Weedsport food pantry.  We simply report our results to the national headquarters.  This program began in 1990 as a youth mission.  Please support us in our effort to “love our neighbors.”  You may choose to put food or money in the pot of the team you think/hope will win the Super Bowl or remain neutral. 


“Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”  Proverbs 14:31




 From the 200th Anniversary Committee:  “We Love Our Church”

The 200th committee will be hosting an after-worship program on February 23rd.  The topic will be our stained-glass windows.  An invitation will go out to the other churches and Marcellus.  We will need readers and refreshments for this event.


The committee will be sharing historic tidbits on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.  Barbara Gray shared a very interesting bit Sunday, January 12th.  Attached.

Pictures to go with Barbara’s information:





Upcoming Dates:

Jan. 26 – Congregational Meeting and Installation of Officers

Jan. 30 – Doug’s to Go to benefit the Lions Club, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Feb. 9 – SOUPer Bowl Sunday






Walter Becker, Pearl’s brother, who had surgery is doing well.  His lungs are clear.


 Vicki Viccaro will be celebrating her 85th birthday January 13th






To Connie Horr for printing and collating the bulletin for Sunday, January 5th.


To Dan Thomas for providing the worship service for December 29th.


To The Praise Band/Choir for the beautiful music they provide on Sundays.  We especially enjoy the addition of the flute (Joanne Slauson), guitar (Dan Thomas), and percussion (James Marshall).  Of course, we always enjoy the weekly organ and piano (Laura Granger and Marian Smith). 


To all who volunteer at the Clothes Closet and to those who donate clothes.


Thank you to Dan Thomas for continuing to share the worship link weekly so those that are not able to attend may enjoy listening to the service, to Joanne Slauson for keeping the website up-to-date, and Rev. Copeland for recording and posting the church service on Facebook.


Please pray for…

The family of Sue Hutton who passed away January 9thSue was a teacher at Weedsport.

To the family of Greg Badgley who passed away January 10th, especially for his wife Sandy.

The family of Arlene Sears, mother-in-law of Cindy Sears, who passed away on November 29th.  (Corrected date from last newsletter.)

Evelyn Sweet, Dale’s mother.  She is home from the hospital but continues to need prayers for her health.

Walter Becker, Pearl’s brother, who is recovering from surgery.  They removed part of his lung, which included the tumor. 

Rev. Brian’s brother, Larry. He had the rest of his left kidney removed. He will still need lots of recovery and recuperation. 

Jim Viccaro, Vicki’s husband, is recovering from surgery on his vertebrae.   Prayers for healing of his fractures.

Jean Saroodis is dealing with nerve pain from surgery.

Jeanne VanDusen, Anne McLoud’s sister, as she continues to battle health issues. 

Wayne and Dillon Hunter, father and son, both battling cancers.  They are Jeanne VanDusen’s son and grandson, Anne McLoud’s nephew and great nephew. Wayne continues chemo medicine and has had positive visits with the doctor.  Dillon has regular appointments to be sure he is still clear.

Denny Ware is slowly improving but has a long road ahead.

Elaine Ozolins as she continues to treat her cancer.  

Eileen Derevenko as her cancer has returned. 

Mat Grudzien.  Send positive thoughts for healing.


(This information will have been in previous newsletters but it is felt it is worth reprinting.)


If you are interested in being a greeter, please let the deacons know. (Anyone can be a greeter.)  There is a calendar in the Narthex for you to sign up.


If you would like to offer to make refreshments for a Sunday, please check the calendar in the Narthex and let the Deacon for that Sunday know.  It is a great way to help out our deacons.   


The “Weedsport Presbyterian Church” Facebook page has been updated.  Feel free to followThere is a link to the webpage in the Welcome for an easy way to link back and forth.  Feel free to contact Joanne Slauson (joanneslauson@gmail.com) for any changes and additions on the Facebook page.


Now that the church service starts at 11:15 a.m., Adult Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m.  This may make it easier for you to join us in the upstairs Koinonia Room Sunday mornings before church to get some very interesting background of the day’s scripture.  Dan Thomas has a wealth of knowledge to share!


Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund reminder:  Do you know someone that might need our help?

We would like to offer this reminder.  The Weedsport Good Samaritan Fund is available to assist with emergency medical, utility, and other needs that may arise. Please contact Cyndy Rooker if you have any questions or know of someone who could use assistance.   (Must be a resident of WCSD, Weedsport, Cato.)





Please be sure to turn off the lights and lock the doors to the church whenever you leave the building.



Jan. 13 – Vicki Viccaro                                       Feb. 4 - James Marshall                          Mar. 1 – Cindy Sears

Jan. 15 – Dan Thomas                                      Feb. 10 - Karen Seitz                                 Mar. 2 – Mark Pedersen

Jan. 16 – Aubrey Leonard                         Feb. 13 – Case Marshall               Mar. 3 – Marti Stoecker

Jan. 25 – Michelle Stoecker                        Feb. 20 – Cyndy Rooker               Mar. 3 Libby Sperduti

Jan. 27 – Heather Reed (Rooker)             Feb. 22 – Wendy Pedersen                          Mar. 4 – Jeff Hickok

Jan. 29 – Jenna Grudzien                       Feb 26 – Lori Anna                                    Mar. 7 – Nancy Gilfus

Jan. 30 – Ed Rooker                                                                                              Mar. 8 – Owen Gwinn  


*If you would like to have someone added to the birthday list, please let us know, thanks.



What’s Going on at Church?


9:45 am.     Adult Sunday School with Dan Thomas

11:15 a.m.                       In-person worship  

1-3 p.m.                            Square Dancers in dining room



10-noon                           All Things Creative meets in the former first floor office.  

10-1 p.m.                          Free Clothes Closet open

7-9 p.m.                            Square Dancers in dining room



9 a.m.                 Join Rev. Brian at Finally Ours Restaurant for coffee hour.



1-5 p.m.              Rev. Copeland’s office hours

3-5:30 p.m.              Free Clothes Closet open

6 - 7 p.m.              Bible Study (Rev. Copeland)

1 p.m.-6 p.m.     Red Cross Blood Drive at UMC, First Thursday of every odd month (Jan., March, May…)



2-4 p.m.              Dog Training



A person and children standing on the beach

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Thank you, Connie Horr, for being the best proofreader!  She makes sure our newsletters are easier to read and understand!